
The ensemble L’Aminta,  consisting of Aliona, Jasmin, Karin and Julian, was started with a common interest in historical performance, sharing a profound musical understanding. Together they create interpretations showing the richness of affects and sound-stylistic nuances in the chamber music of the 17th and 18th centuries, each musician bringing their personal expertise to create the L’Aminta sound.

Since completing her performance studies, violinist Aliona Kalechyts-Pietrowskaja has been engaged in studying early string instruments and the acoustic and technical effect of historical violin positioning. Jasmin Vorhauser complements the ensemble with her flutes. Her field of interest is the study of affect in the Baroque periods, and the broad field of key characteristics. Being an enthusiastic and experienced chamber musician, cellist Karin Hannisdal works to create a stable foundation on which the ensemble can build upon. Julian Gaudiano has, since his cembalo studies, explored the diversity of sound and harmony in the various national styles and époques of thoroughbass playing. Together, the ensemble puts into practice an interpretation based on emotional affect and academic and intellectual grounds, and an earnest desire to share this interpretation with audiences.

In September 2021, L’Aminta won the 3rd prize in the International Berlin Bach Competition. They were chosen as one of three finalists for Rheinsberger Hofkapelle 2022, as well as finalists by York Early Music International Young Artists Competition 2022. In 2023, the ensemble played a number of international concerts in Lithuania, Norway, Italy and Austria.